Wednesday, May 07, 2008

Swell on wheels

Hi everyone:

As you can tell from this relatively recent photo, our patient (can I really even call her that, now?) continues to thrive, enough so that she's been able to incorporate light exercise into many of her days. Her hope is to advance her conditioning to the point she'll be able to inline skate more regularly. She's being cautious, but surprisingly strong.
Patty is handling the combined demands of work, home and health with remarkable success, and with very little of the fatigue or illness that plagued so many of her past days. Her medical appointments are now spaced months apart, and she rarely experiences any symptoms. The only obvious clue to her condition is the still-extensive range of medicines she takes each day. And, among the best of the good news, she has not been hospitalized since November, 2006. We still don't understand how this has all happened, medically, but we're not really complaining; we're just hoping this strong streak continues.
All of the children are doing well. PJ and Kelly just finished their school's production of Les Miserables, which was just amazing. My parents visited to take in the show, and they too were impressed. Devin spends part of his week at home and part 30 miles away at college, where he's doing well in a culinary arts program. Colin and Connor are both enjoying jumps in their academic performance, with Connor flirting with straight As. We're very proud of our brood.
As always, we're grateful to hear that people check in here from time to time. I will endeavor to provide updates on an occasional basis, and will of course pick up the pace if there's ever more to report...let's hope not.