Wednesday, June 07, 2006

Some good news

Hi everyone:

Well, as the title suggests, we heard some encouraging news today. Patty had a conversation with Dr. Fedson of the U of C transplant team, and was given the rundown on their plans for her. Patty has a handful of tests scheduled which, when completed, will make her eligible for the transplant list.

Once Patty is listed, doctors will start her on chemotherapy, which she will need to continue for the rest of her life. The drug they are hoping to give Patty is called Cellcept. The good news? Patty should be able to take the drug orally, rather than via I.V., so she should spend far less time in the hospital. For some time, she may also need to go to the hospital for one day each month for intravenous doses of a drug called IVIG.

After two months on the drugs, doctors will evaluate how well the drugs are working in reducing Patty's antibody levels. Dr. Fedson feels that, regardless of the result, they will be able to find Patty a donor heart within a reasonable period of time. Patty will likely still need one session of plasmapheresis, just before she receives a transplant.

Patty hosted a group of students, teachers and friends for a cookout this evening. She looked happy, healthy and gorgeous, and I could tell she was having a great time. It's nice every now and then, I think, for Patty to forget the challenges and just enjoy the moment. It was so, so nice to see her smile.

PJ, Kelly and Connor returned today from a three-day rafting and resort trip with Patty's brother Joe. They had a great time, and we feel they enjoyed a much-needed break from all the confusion. Devin and Colin still have the rest of the month before school is out for them; we hope they'll be able to join us for some of this sure-to-be-chaotic summer.



C. said...

Your story touched my heart. I will pray that all goes well. Two weeks ago I had to brain operations. The stress is overwhelming for the family. I will hold you in my utmost positive thoughts.

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