Tuesday, September 26, 2006

A note from Connor


My Mom is going through some hard times, but she is very strong, so I know she can do it. I have been feeling sad a lot, but she is there to comfort me. My Mom is very fun and loving; she is doing good a lot--that's because she is so tough. She is the best person at making jewelry that I know in the world. She is also the best person at making up fun stuff to do.

I like to help my Mom however I can. As you can see in the picture, I am helping her clean out her catheter. There are so many things to do with that -- it's so hard.

She is very active for what she is going through. She is the best person I have ever met and she always will be. The things that I am most sad about are the fact that she has to get a new heart and that her heart got shocked and everything else. But, like I said, she is always there to comfort me. My big question is why did it have to happen to my Mom? I also think that everybody else thinks that, too. She is the best Mom in the world and I'm glad she's mine. She always feels up to everything and she's so nice. She loves music and she has almost every song. There are so many more things about my Mom, but this is all I can think of for now.




Anonymous said...

Here, here!

Anonymous said...

Connor said it all! God bless you all. Much love, Sue