Friday, April 27, 2007

A night out

Hi everyone:

With varying degrees of success, as you can see, we tried to jam our family (sans Devin & Colin) into a photo booth at the mall tonight. Childish? But of course. Pointless? Most certainly. Fun? Well, it seemed that way at the time, although it wasn't easy for us to extract our old bones from the booth. As you can see, Patty found a way to laugh even as she was being compressed into a smaller and smaller space. Kelly was none too comfortable when Patty yanked her head, by the ear, into the final frame.

We saw Hot Fuzz tonight. I thought for sure it would be very enjoyable, because the film has been very well reviewed, and both Patty and I liked Shaun of the Dead (by the same director.) Unfortunately, both Patty and I were disappointed with the movie; in fact, Patty never once laughed. The kids liked the flick, though, so it wasn't a total bust.

Now, we are settling into some television, while both Kelly and Connor entertain sleepover guests. Patty has been doing pretty well again today. Next Friday, she'll settle into another round of chemo, and the good days will go back on hold for a while.


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