Saturday, August 18, 2007


Hi everyone:

And tonight's trivia question is -- who performed the song with the lyrics from the subject line? If you got it immediately, you're getting on in years.

This is certain to sound like a broken record, but again I apologize for the stretches between blog entries. Patty's mind and energies have been focused on her part-time return to work (just two weeks away), and I have been working crazy hours trying to drum up new business; in fact, this writing is a quick break from developing marketing materials. My slump these days is akin to that of the White Sox; hopefully, we'll both have a strong finish to the year.

On the health front, there's not a lot to report. Patty is still tired much of the time, and continues to need her naps through the day. Tonight, she is experiencing some unpleasant cramping in her stomach. From time to time, her hands are shaky, and she experiences some dizziness if she moves too suddenly; otherwise, she's still mostly holding her own. We do worry about how well she'll fare when she goes back to work; I really hope that Patty can let herself fall back on others for support when needed.

We are both frustrated with the holding pattern Patty seems to be in; although we're grateful that she isn't obviously declining right now, we worry about a scenario in which she may need a heart immediately, when her antibodies remain a hurdle (one that nobody seems concerned about addressing anymore.) We both dream of a day in which health, financial and other issues can take a back seat to just getting the most from life.

P.S. The photo is actually from other night; Patty had laughed herself into tears at her witty retort to something I had said. I just love when Patty cracks up like this.

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