Wednesday, December 12, 2007

A bit short of breath today

Hi everyone:

Patty has had some minor struggles with her breathing today, and is feeling a bit run down. Of course, in this season of colds, the flu and such, this could mean nothing at all, but it does inspire a degree of anxiety. I've grown quite accustomed to a life with Patty that really doesn't include hospitals, home health nurses and the like anymore; I'm hoping we'll go a good long time before Patty again has any need for such interventions.

We have been slowly preparing our home for the holidays. Our inside lights and decorations are finished, and I've been gradually working through the outdoor lights. We are looking forward to the arrival of Devin and Colin on December 26; Devin will return to Canada on Dec 31, and Colin will stick around for another week.

That's about it for now; please keep your fingers crossed that our patient has a symptom-free holiday season.


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

It was sooo good hearing from the both of you a couple of weeks ago. We're excited that progress (except for the blip) has continued. If any family deserves a merry x-mas, it's yours. Enjoy your family and the holidays. Our thoughts are with you. I promised I'd give you my new email address:
Please keep in touch and I will try to watch the blog more often for updates. Take care and talk to you soon. Love, Shari & Ron Kaad