Monday, February 26, 2007

Waiting, and waiting, and waiting

Hi everyone:

Today, Patty was mostly fine again, although she thinks she may be coming down with a mild cold. We went out late in the morning for a doctor's visit (this time for me), but we otherwise were homebodies. We might have contemplated a walk, but the slush would have made the process pretty unpleasant.

We're waiting to hear about the next round of Rituxan/Cytoxan. Our original understanding was that the infusions would happen every three weeks, which would mean that this Friday would be the target; if we don't hear by tomorrow, we'll call to follow up. Patty pointed out tonight that if the PRA numbers on the blood they should draw this week show significant progress, she could be a viable candidate for a donor heart within weeks. Wouldn't that be a wonderful way to spice up this blog?


1 comment:

Anonymous said...

Dear Brian and Patti;FAITH! Love and Respect