Sunday, August 13, 2006

Crappy day, better evening, crappy morning

Hi everyone:

Patty had a pretty rough Saturday in terms of fatigue and nausea. Colin and I ran errands while Patty rested, and then I slaved for hours making a homemade pasta sauce. It always seems that Patty isn't feeling well on the days when it's nice enough outside that you would otherwise want to be out and about.

By the evening, Patty was feeling well enough to go out with me for a couple of hours, and we had a wonderful time together.

This morning, Patty's again feeling nauseous. It's hard to say whether the nausea is just a side effect of the medications, or a symptom of her heart failure. I'm hoping it's the former, although I worry.

Today, I am going to make lasagna with the sauce I made yesterday. I'll post more if and when there's more to report.


Patty eats brie and olives

Patty the athlete

A nice conversation

One from Friday

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