Sunday, August 27, 2006

Gearing up for a hospital visit

Hi everyone:

Last night, Patty and I joined Kathleen, Don, Sean and some of his extended family at Walter Payton's Roundhouse to celebrate Don's 50th birthday. Don chose the Roundhouse because that is where we celebrated Patty's 40th. It's a really nice, really huge restaurant, and better than most places in the area. Patty looked and felt great last night, making for a pretty nice string of more-or-less good days.

I don't know if you've noticed, but Patty is a pretty good sport when it comes to going along with my bizarre photo staging. I suppose that the fact I'm willing to beg until I get what I want could be a contributing factor.

Here's a funny -- or at least ironic -- story. On Friday night, I was using an ATM and some of the buttons weren't functioning properly. I would hit the keys and nothing would happen. Finally, the ATM screen asked, "Need more time?" I turned to Patty and said, "YES...we do."

This afternoon, I'm doing work (and watching the Sox -- 6-1 as I write this) and Patty is pulling things together for her hospital visit tomorrow. The plan is to do plasmapheresis to help reduce antibodies and a catheterization to check Patty's heart pressures. Our guess is that Patty will come home late Tuesday, although if they decide to do multiple rounds of plasmapheresis we might be staying longer. Patty is not at all looking forward to being in the hospital again, although this time it's not for an emergency.

More later...


Don & Kathleen

Kathleen & Patty

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