Tuesday, June 27, 2006

June 27 -- The first false alarm

Hi everyone:

The University of Chicago Hospital called this morning to check on Patty's health, and inquired specifically if she had a fever -- she did not. They then said not to get her hopes up, but they were cross-matching her against a potential donor heart, and we should stand by for a call.

Five hours later, they called back to inform us that the donor heart under consideration was a positive crossmatch, which means that Patty's body would reject that donor heart, perhaps immediately. It had seemed much too good to be true -- a heart within three days of being listed -- but we did build up some level of anticipation and anxiety. Patty was much more calm about the whole situation than I was. She relaxed (mostly) while I paced, fretted, complained and sighed endlessly. Oddly enough, the person who called to tell us about the crossmatch said, "You'll be relieved to hear that we found out the heart was a positive crossmatch, so you won't need to come down here today." Bizarre...

Last night, Patty and I updated the links to the right of the page. We've removed details about the Dor procedure (not an option), and added more links to pages with good information about transplants, immunosupression and other relevant issues.

Keep your fingers crossed...perhaps the next call will yield a more positive outcome.


This photo captures Patty's angst shortly after receiving the "no-go" call.


Anonymous said...



Just came to say I miss you and to tell you to hang in there.



Anonymous said...

Hang in there. We're praying for you.

The Hafenrichter Family

Anonymous said...

Hmm I love the idea behind this website, very unique.