Saturday, June 10, 2006

Nice visits on weaker days

Hi everyone:

Yesterday, Patty had a day of visits, first from our Aunt Sue, and later from our sister-in-law Sharon and her three children -- Amanda, Jake and Declan.

Sue has been a regular visitor to our home, and has proven to be somewhat of a guardian angel to us, with her boundless optimism and warmth toward each member of our family. After Sue left, I read a card that she had left for me, and was deeply touched by its sentiment and its accurate assessment of my state of mind and heart these days. Patty has the most remarkable aunts, all of whom clearly love Patty and worry for her.

Sharon gave Patty a beautiful candle arrangement for our coffee table which has, of course, been immediately pressed into service. Sharon too has been a regular at our home, as have many family members and good friends. There are too many people, and too many situations, to include sufficient thanks in this space -- rest assured, though, our gratitude is huge.

Although Patty felt poorly for much of the day, she did seem to catch something of a second wind as the day progressed. Our friend Jen spent some time with us later in the day.

Today was a low-key day. Patty snoozed for much of the afternoon while I did my best not to be too loud while watching the Sox game. She continues to struggle with fatigue and, to a lesser extent, water retention. As she becomes better informed about transplant, recovery and the associated drug regimen, she has started to feel some anxiety -- although I am routinely awed by how strong she is.

This coming week will be a busy one, so these low-key days are a welcome respite for Patty.


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