Wednesday, July 22, 2009

Still ailing

Hi everyone:

Patty is still ailing. Her incision scar hurts even more today than yesterday, and the nausea continues to be fairly persistent. Her low-grade fever was back this morning. So far, she has not thrown up today, which is progress from the two days preceding. Yesterday, Patty visited the nurse-practitioner (affiliated with the surgeon), who said that some pain and other symptoms are to be expected still, and likely for some time. Patty is worrying a bit about how much strength she'll have a month from now when she'll be expected back at work.

Last night, we had a bit of a scare when Patty started feeling symptoms identical to those she had when she experienced a restenosis of her artery (Mother's Day 2005). Specifically, she was feeling a dull ache across her collar bone and through her upper back. Of course, these symptoms can be meaningful or meaningless; they went away after an hour or so, so we won't put much stock in them for now.

That's the latest...I'll write again when there's any news.



Cyndi Henry said...

I hope that Patty's recovery becomes much smoother soon. I felt rough for about 3 months after my HeartNet surgery. Best wishes.

A. Whitlock said...

This is Amy Whitlock, I hope you get this but Google and Mozilla sometimes conspire against me. I think that I need help much less than you do! What can I do to help you? I've got another week before surgery, and if you need anything please let me know.

I wish I had been able to keep up with your blog while I was in Ohio. I thought about you and your heart study often. I'm sorry to hear it has been pretty rough, and I hope you are feeling better soon. Please let me know if you need anything!
