Monday, June 11, 2007

Back down to earth

Hi everyone:

After an action-packed weekend, we've settled back into our normal life, at least for a day or two. Patty felt a little nauseous upon awakening this morning, but improved quickly and seems pretty energetic. The kids were returned to us at 1pm, and are out enjoying the sunny day (except for PJ, who I would guess is sitting in front of a TV at Kelsey's house.) I've suggested that I'll get a bonfire going for the kids tonight; with luck, I'll be able to coax Patty outdoors for a while. Kelly is excited because her cousin Amanda plans to visit within the next couple of days. And that's pretty much our whole story for now.

I continue to receive calls about Colin's passport. The latest I've heard is that the Canadian Consulate here in Chicago doesn't think the request made by the passport officials really makes any sense. I'm inclined to agree. Our state representative's office continues to call with updates. Hopefully, this will all be resolved soon.


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