I'm sorry I've been so bad about keeping the blog up to date lately. When we haven't been really busy with work and/or personal commitments, I've been feeling under the weather and not very enthusiastic. If anything of consequence happens, I will do my very best to write, so please don't fret if there's nothing new here. All in all, Patty has been doing well lately, although she's not feeling her very best today--nothing specific, just some general malaise.
Last night, while Patty and I were watching an episode of Law & Order, we saw something about a "bumblebee" tone for phones that adults generally cannot hear. Kids use these tones on their cell phones so that they can secretly know when calls are coming in. Of course, PJ was excited to hear about this, and conducted some tests. I can hear a 15.8khz tone, which can normally only be heard by those 30 and younger. Patty doesn't hear anything until 12khz, which is the 50-and-younger range. I will say that the first tone I was able to hear was acutely unpleasant. If you would like to test yourself, go to http://www.freemosquitoringtones.org/
Early in the evening yesterday, we attended the Fine Arts Banquet at the high school. PJ was recognized twice, for his efforts in Art and Drama. As a centerpiece in each table, students arranged objects that represent various fine art activities. As Patty walked past the table with the centerpiece presented below, she launched into an immediate rant about the condition of the cutting mat; from what I understand, they are expensive and shouldn't be used around paint. I just laughed, because I don't think I've ever before seen anyone set off by a table decoration.
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