Sunday, April 08, 2007

Happy (Easter) Birthday to Kelly

Hi everyone:

Happy Easter...and Happy Birthday, Kelly!

Above is today's example of rogue ambush birthday morning photography. Kelly is 14 today and, as you can see, she slept in. Her friend Allison slept over, so I suspect she did not get to sleep until the wee hours.

Yesterday came in with a bang and went out with a whimper. When we received the call in the morning about a possible heart for Patty, I immediately fell into what we have now dubbed "pinball mode." Without really being conscious of what I'm doing, I pace from room to room, thinking I'm looking for something, and then change direction repeatedly when I encounter walls or other objects. I am agitated, confused and overwhelmed all at once. You know how in movies the husband reacts when the wife starts into labor? It's very much like that. It's embarrassing, really. I don't know how well I'll really function if and when a viable heart becomes available. Patty, of course, remains relatively calm through all of this; only the slight shakiness in her hands betrays her nervousness.

Patty and Kelly drove into Oak Park for Nicole's bridal shower yesterday. They had a good time, although Patty had to wait until well into the party before she could eat. The nurse on Patty's transplant team had said that Patty could not have anything in her stomach in case she needed to go into surgery. As soon as I called Patty to tell her the heart wasn't for her, she said, "Well, that's too bad; can I go now, so I can get something to eat?" Later, when we had a chance to chat about the day, Patty said that, on one level, she was glad she didn't get the transplant, because she is generally doing well enough these days that major surgery seemed like it might be borrowing trouble. I see her point, but I still want her to get a heart before it becomes a truly emergent situation. I suspect she was cloaking some degree of disappointment with a positive outlook; she's like that.

Today, we are planning a birthday brunch for Kelly -- just the five of us. We're getting a bit of a late start, though, because Patty is feeling nauseous and fatigued this morning. I offered to facilitate the food prep in her absence, but she really wants to participate, so we'll just postpone things for a while. Have a great Easter, everyone.


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