Sunday, December 10, 2006

Patty's fist 2, Patty's face 0

Hi everyone:

Today was a largely uneventful day around our home (not shown.) Patty experienced a somewhat unpleasant situation this morning. I'd like to share the story, but she insisted that I keep it to myself because it's embarrassing. Okay, so here's the story. Patty was trying to put on a rubber sleeve that protects her PICC line from water and, as she was pulling the top part of it into place, she accidentally punched herself in the face...twice. Remember--please keep this story to yourself.

Today was mostly a "couch potato" sort of day. We watched An American Christmas Carol, a favorite from years past, and are soon planning to start The Homecoming, a movie from long before my time (well, pretty much.)

More tomorrow...


P.S. I did not have my camera handy when Patty put a beating on herself, so I thought I'd share another picture from Friday night.

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